RSIGuard Stretch Break Software

Prices above are per user license.

RSIGuard is a comprehensive tool for managing and preventing repetitive strain injury (RSI). Its purpose is to reduce repetitive computer activity, to assist you in changing unhealthy patterns of computer use, and to monitor/log your computer work style and usage.

The software will prompt you to take breaks when you really need them and displays animated stretches designed to prevent and assist recovery from computer related injuries.

RSIGuard is available in PC and Mac version.
Volume pricing available, please see specification below.


How does RSIGuard help manage RSI?
RSIGuard combines several valuable tools in one integrated package. Each tool can be individually enabled and customized. BreakTimer:RSIGuard’s BreakTimer is by far the most sophisticated break timer available. BreakTimer continually analyzes the user’s intensity, quality, and quantity of work as well as natural rest, and then suggests breaks at appropriate times. BreakTimer adapts to user feedback and long-term trends of user behavior. During breaks, RSIGuard with Stretch Break Technology demonstrates stretches via full-motion animations (with optional audio instructions).

has easy-to-understand settings that provide the flexibility necessary to help prevent and manage RSI. Users let BreakTimer know their current health, their level of willpower to take breaks, whether or not they have a doctor-prescribed work restriction, and other relevant information. In addition to timing breaks to occur when they’re needed, BreakTimer minimizes disruption by starting breaks when it senses a user is naturally pausing. A “Postpone Break” feature lets a user finish work before taking a break, and the “I’m In Pain” button adjusts BreakTimer to prevent further trauma.

AutoClick eliminates the need to do two of the most body-damaging computer activities — grasping and clicking the mouse. AutoClick’s automatic-clicking option simulates a mouse click whenever you stop moving the mouse. Users quickly become accustomed to this tool, and the benefits are immense. Many people with significant injuries are actually able to return to useful computer work with this feature, and the feature may significantly reduce the likelihood of developing an injury. AutoClick also provides user-assignable hotkeys on the keyboard that allow a user to perform single clicks, double clicks, triple clicks, right clicks, and left and right drag locks, with simple key presses.

The ForgetMeNots feature offers two important tools for preventing injuries — reminders and microbreaks. Reminders are messages that pop up on the screen to help the user stay conscious of work habits. The messages can include preset RSIGuard messages, custom messages that a user, employer, or doctor write, and messages that RSIGuard temporarily adds when it detects certain unhealthy work patterns. Reminders can be set to appear on a varying schedule to prevent them from becoming predictable Studies have shown the importance of short, frequent microbreaks (in addition to longer, less frequent breaks). ForgetMeNot microbreaks are 15 second breaks that give users just enough time to breathe, relax their muscles, and continue working, with minimal disruption.

RSIGuard collects extensive information about the way a user is working through both automatic observations and survey methods. The separate ‘RSIGuard Reports’ utility allows a user to view the automatically collected data and correlate it to survey data, and RSIGuard uses the information to adjust the BreakTimer and to add messages to ForgetMeNots. The data can also be exported for use in a spreadsheet, data analysis, or report/presentation tool. DataLogger automatically records information such as quantity, length, and intensity of work on the mouse, the keyboard, and the two combined. It records how many breaks are taken and how many are skipped. It measures the length of time spent in breaks and resistance to breaks (postponement time). Health Status Reports allow users to confidentially submit reports about their health either when certain events occur (e.g., increase in pain, change in workload, medical event, etc.) or on a schedule (e.g., every Monday or every 30 days). At your organization’s discretion, the reports can be automatically filed over the internet (or on a company intranet) to your ergonomics coordinator to assist your organization in tracking employee health. These reports can also be superimposed over automatically recorded information to provide powerful cause and effect insights.

More Features:

  • Rest break reminders that are timed based on how hard you actually work at the computer, and designed to be as unintrusive as possible.
  • Animated stretches shown during rest breaks.
  • Microbreaks give you time to briefly relax, regain awareness of your posture and work patterns, and maintain awareness of how your body feels.
  • Ergonomic reminder messages keep you aware of how you are working at the computer.
  • Tracking & reporting of key work statistics helps you understand how you use your computer.
  • Online health status reporting helps you track the connection between work patterns and discomfort.
  • Online ergonomic training teaches you the basics of healthy computing.
  • Hotkeys & keyboard remapping reduce keyboard strain by reducing how many keys you press and relocating hard-to-press keys.
  • Automatic clicking eliminates strain associated with mouse clicking.
  • Dynamic work restrictions help you follow a doctor-prescribed reduction in your exposure to computer strain.
  • Highly customizable features with an easy-to-use setup-wizard and intelligent default settings.
  • Flexible multi-user and network support lets you easily move from computer to computer, install on servers, intranets, etc.
  • Administrative-control functions for enterprise users.
  • Easy to use.


RSIGuard Volume Pricing

Number of Copies Stretch / Call Centre Edition
1 - 5 $99.00
6 - 19
20 - 49 $91.00
50 - 99 $87.00
100 - 249 $83.00
250 - 499 $80.00
500 - 999 $77.00

You may optionally purchase a 1-year maintenance agreement to accompany your RSIGuard license, at a cost of 15% of the license price.
Each subsequent year, you will have the option of continuing this maintenance agreement for an additional 15% of the published price of RSIGuard.

Please contact us, if you wish to purchase multiple copies.

Download Product Info
Product Info
Download RSIGuard Stretch Edition for Windows
RSIGuard Stretch Edition for Windows
Download RSIGuard Stretch Edition for Mac
RSIGuard Stretch Edition for Mac

If you you are not successful in downloading the trial software, a trial CD can be sent to you, please contact us here.